Starblitz on a sunny afternoon

Starblitz on a sunny afternoon

It was crisp and cold and windy, but sunny as well this afternoon, so I took my camera with the Starblitz 28mm on it on our dogwalk again. I’ve realized that the adapter that allows this lens to mount on my 5Diii adds a little crop factor to the lens with the lens it has in it to allow infinity focus, so this is actually like a 35mm lens on this camera, but whatever- I still can’t get over how much I love this $20 lens 🙂 It has a really nice quality to it, I love the colors, it takes some lovely macro shots, and it flares beautifully! And I’m getting to grips with the manual focus much better: many more of today’s pictures have the focus where I want it. Anyhow- here are a few from the woods today…

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