Fedex sucks!
Through my Canon CPS membership I asked Canon if they would lend me a special camera body and lens combination to use to shoot some pictures of the Christmas celebrations at the church- and they said yes 🙂
So on Tuesday they shipped me a 5D mkIII along with a 70-200mm f/2.8 IS II lens that I get to keep and play with for a week before I have to send them back. This is the camera body of my dreams (well, either that or a mkIV) and this lens should be awesome in our less-than-very-brightly-lit church (I’m really looking forward to seeing how the combo will handle the candlelight portion of the late service).
It was supposed to arrive this morning by 10:30 am, however the best FedEx can currently tell me is that it was scanned leaving their Newark, NJ hub at 11:12 pm last night, and nothing since then- grrr 🙁
I was really hoping to have the day tomorrow to play with it and get used to it before the craziness of Christmas Eve- let’s hope it makes it at all!