Crisp’s Photoshop work
The above is an animated gif that Crisp put together of one of the hallways at his school along with pictures of my eye that he had taken and manipulated. Kinda cool 🙂
And today I spent a wonderful hour in the woods with my son. He had been given an assignment in his digital photography class to take a “narrative” picture that could be used as a starting point for a creative writing project, so he wanted to take a picture of Holly looking wistfully at the little, tumble-down stone house about 1 1/4 miles along the upper trail. We had a lovely walk, chatting about all sorts of things and then I got Holly to pose as he wanted while he composed and took some pictures (I will post the one he finally chooses once he has made his decision and edited it).
A walk with my son and my dog, good conversation, and getting to help and advise him with his growing enthusiasm for photography- I’d call that a win in every way!
One Reply to “Crisp’s Photoshop work”
Great stuff Crispy – we're v. impressed!
G and G