Google Photos- wow!

Google Photos- wow!

The new Google Photos app is quite amazing! The search feature is actually kind of scary with how accurate it is, and what’s really amazing is that this was only announced this last week and so I’m sure there are tons of geeks like me uploading all their pictures to it (I’m currently at about 18,000 of 65,000- that’ll teach Google to offer me free unlimited storage!), and it’s constantly offering up collages, animations and panoramas it’s automagically put together from my pictures- like the one above from a few years ago in Tobago that I particularly like 🙂
I do admit to a niggling twinge of concern about privacy and putting all my personal pictures on Google’s cloud, but I have them all backed up to the cloud anyway through my CrashPlan account. And Google promises that the search function is completely private to me and I’ve not got anything to hide anyway… and I, for one, welcome our new Google overlords 🙂
Thanks to Colin for keeping tabs on the Google I/O this week when I was to busy to and cluing me in to this- it really is a game-changer and if you have a collection of digital images you’d like to be able to back-up and easily search you owe it to yourself to check it out!

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