Lenten shaving update

Lenten shaving update

In case anyone is interested in the results of my Lenten decision to learn to shave with a straight razor…

It went very well, I feel like I have learned a new skill and if push came to shove I could shave like that every day, but I’m not going to. It just takes more time and concentration than I can put in first thing in the morning in a very small (though new and beautiful!) bathroom that I share with 2 other people. I have a nice half inch scar under my nose to show for it (barely noticeable and it will fade), but I did manage on more than one occasion to shave completely with it without any more than a few tiny nicks, but I have to say that the more modern options are easier. So, I will be going back to my disposable twin blades from Dollar Shave Club 🙂

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