This is why…
… You don’t keep your passport in your safe deposit box.
About a week ago my small server that stores our family photographs (amongst other things) failed. Not a big deal as I have it backed up all over the place: on another hard drive at home, on the cloud, and on a small, portable hard drive in our safe deposit box.
That drive gets updated every three months or so, so once I had replaced the server and restored everything from my backups I retrieved it from the bank and added the last few month’s worth of pictures.
This afternoon I went back to the bank to put it away again, but they can’t open my box! I went home and got the second key , but that didn’t work either. Apparently the lock has failed and they are going to have to get a locksmith to drill open the box- and because it contains my documents I have to be there when they do it… and they can’t get a locksmith until Monday morning.
And that’s why I don’t keep our passports in our safe deposit box, I keep them in a small fire safe hidden at home. God forbid there was an emergency that required urgent travel!