PAX- wrap up

PAX- wrap up

We got back late last night after driving back from Boston after a full day at PAX! We had a blast and so here are a few final pictures 🙂

After parking behind the BCEC we faced a long walk from the back to the front of the building, and then we walked inside from the front to the back, to the…

“Q” Room where we were staged before being let loose at 10 (the queue to the right is the huge mass waiting to get into the “Expo” Room, our smaller queue was because we started in the “Tabletop” area

When we got into the Expo Room we were greeted by amazing booths like this

CJ checking the schedule to decide what to do next

A quiet moment outside the Main Theater waiting to go into the…

…Rooster Teeth panel

And then back to the seething mass of humanity that was the Expo Room

Crisp had fun trying out games and chatting with game developers

CJ with the Rooster Teeth gang…

…getting his poster signed…

…and again with Rooster Teeth

Crisp had the Rooster Teeth folks make a video for his web friend Julie 🙂

And finally another in my continuing series “Colin Taking Pictures of Things”

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