Snowy woods with the 70D

Snowy woods with the 70D

My new camera body came yesterday 🙂

I’ve been saving up since my birthday (thanks to everyone who gave me Amazon gifts cards!) and Amazon finally dropped the price by about 20%… I’m selling my beloved 60D on eBay to cover the rest.

It’s the new Canon EOS 70D, which has many improvements: the 19 point autofocus system from the 7D, wifi control (!), an increase to 20.2 MP, better low light performance, 7 frames per second shooting, and the new dual-pixel live-view autofocus which shoots amazing video. It’s very cool and I have a lot to learn about how to use it to it’s fullest 🙂

One problem I immediately found was that the camera is so new that my RAW editing software (AftershotPro, which I like as it’s cross-platform and works really nicely natively in Linux) doesn’t recognize it’s files. But after a bit of searching online I found a hint that if you edit the EXIF info in each file (the info that’s embedded in each picture that says what shutter speed, aperture, focal length etc.) to fool AftershotPro into thinking it was taken with a 6D (the 20MP full frame camera from Canon) then it will work. So, not wanting to have to boot into Winblow$ just to edit my pictures I gave it a try and found it works… and 20 minutes of tinkering and I have written a little shell script that does it to a whole batch of pictures at once with one click 🙂 Not a perfect solution, but it will keep me going until Corel get their act together and upgrade AftershotPro so it recognizes the camera.

So far I’m very, very happy with the new camera! It is very impressive and now I just need to use it a lot so I’m as comfortable with it as I was with the 60D- the controls are very similar, but just different enough to throw me occasionally 😉

Here are a few shots I took in the woods today with my usual long-suffering canine model 🙂

One Reply to “Snowy woods with the 70D”

  1. Not enough. I want to see before and after shots using both bodies with the same lense and settings. (Although, that top picture of Holly is great!)

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