Credo- Day 7

Credo- Day 7

Sunday morning and it’s very weird not having anything to do! We had a
campfire last night after the silly games, but afterwards I went back
to my room and stayed up to finish my “Credo Plan” so I could have
this morning free. So after a leisurely breakfast I’ve just finished a
long Skype video chat with Jackie and will now post a few of the
pictures I took yesterday. And then I think I’ll go print out my Credo
plan and then go for another stroll around the lake and perhaps sit in
a rocking chair for an hour or so before lunch.Our “Credo Plan” is a group of 3 goals we have set ourselves to try
and achieve based on all we have learned about (including what we have
learned about ourselves) this week. I was not sure what I was going to
put down, but yesterday after chatting with Jake and finding out that
she was feeling better, the boy had been good at the fair, the dog was
home and hadn’t pined too much in the kennels, I sat down to do them
and got kind of into the “zone”. I turned off all the lights in my
room, turned up the ceiling fan, opened all the windows, and typed
away (they had given us digital versions of the forms so we could do
them on our laptops if we wanted), editing and refining and just really got into
it. I’m not going to talk about what I put down here- if it affects
you you’ll find out more when I get back. We have a looong Eucharist
service after lunch today, and as part of that we get to stand up (if
we want to) and give a brief summary of what we’ve planned. We then
get our plan to take home and they make a sealed copy that they mail
to us in a year’s time.On a side note- I should get commission from Acer this week. Everyone
has fallen in love with my little Aspire One netbook ‘cos they’ve seen
me updating my blog, skyping Jackie etc. and at least three people
have said they’re going to get one for themselves.

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